Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Gedun THARCHIN at Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana

  Gedun THARCHIN at Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana
Nov. 28, 2016


FORUM 2 - Dio e Vacuità [Śunyata] 
Ven. Lama Geshe Gedun Tharchin
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTC9ft16ZlA


         Gedun THARCHIN is a Tibetan Buddhist monk in Gelukpa Order of Tibetan Buddhism. He completed his Ph.D. in Buddhist Philosophy in Gelukpa University in India. He studied Christian Philosophy and Spirituality in Angelicum University and Beta College in Rome.
       Currently he teaches at Fondazione Maitreya Roma, An Institute of Inter-Buddhist Culture and Inter-religious Dialogue. He has been teaching Buddhist Philosophy and Meditation in various centers and has been attending Inter-cultural and Inter-religious dialogues throughout Italy.
       His is author of several books. His articles and speeches published in various journals and Reviews in both English and Italian. And the Editor of his Archives; http://geduntharchin.blogspot.it

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

简历和课程 格沌达清格西


藏族喇嘛。 1963年于尼泊出生, 父母藏族人。他在一西藏学校接受完基教育,随后在印度藏派祖寺甘丹寺的甘丹孜学院完成所有佛教程。

林仁波切他授沙弥戒,法王第十四世达喇嘛他授具足戒。他除了跟随两位大法, 受教于其他重要的法及在甘丹寺和小昭寺(Tantric Monastery)上下密院18年的密集学程接受了完整的格派之宗和密宗的佛教典学

得格派大学的Karam, Lopon Lharam最高学位 (相等于学士
士及博士的学位)1992年,他在十四世达喇嘛的宝支持下,用西藏文撰写了 “阿毗达磨介”。 (Http://openlibrary.org/b/OL22553633)

1993年,他在默朗木祈愿大法会(Monlam Chenmo)上被授予格西学位及最高学的拉然巴称号(Geshe Lharampa)。他于寺院期,担任不同, 例如 KhangtsenDratsang的社区秘, 甘丹寺格派大学考官, 并在甘丹寺和小昭寺上下密院 Tantric Monastery教授哲学。他代表寺院出席了多在印度的研会。

随后他在英国,在马贝塔学院和宗座大学(University Angelicum)研究西方哲学和宗教。他曾在马东方和非洲研究学院(ISIAO - ISMEO)授和参与大利著名藏学家朱塞佩·(Giuseppe·Tucci1894—1984)收藏目目。


的筹措金网站助了无数居住在印度和尼泊藏人社区和寺的儿童、学生、老人和生病的居民; http://geshetharchin.blogspot.it/2014/01/attivita-sociale.html

他定期在各种志上表文章,并于2003年出版了他的第一本以大利文撰写的籍「涅槃,佛法之路」“La Via del Nirvana, Il Dharma del Buddha”,此Ellin Salae出版。

电邮: gedun.tharchin@gmail.com


2011 Uscire dal buio di Gedun Tharchin, rivista DHARMA n. 35 - Roma, pag. 41-46
2009 Uscire dalla confusione – Rivista Dharma n. 31, Aprile – Roma pag 19-29.
2008 I cinquanta’anni del Tibet sotto la Cina -1959-2008 -Voci di pace/Voice of Peace - il TREMESTRE 2008 – San Marino
2008 Gli stati della maditazione - Rivista Dharma n. 29, Giugno - Roma pg. 20-27
2008 I cinquanta anni del Tibet sotto la Cina – lama geshe Gedun Tharchin, Comunicando cura di Maurizio Costanzo – 19 Maggio –Roma – Italia
2008 Comunicare attraverso la cultura del silenzio - Comunicando cura di Maurizio Costanzo – 27 Aprile – Roma - Italia, pg
2007. Fermare la vita - Rivista Dharma n. 27, dicembre – Roma pag. 26-33.
2007 LA PROSPETTIVA INTERRELIGIOSA DI GANDHI - Voci di pace/Voices of peace – III TREMESTRE 2007 – San Marino
2006. Bodhicitta e Generosità, Rivista Dharma n. 23, maggio 06 – Roma pag. 23-27
2005 I Tre Giri della Ruota del Dharma - rivista DHARMA n. 21 - Roma
pag. 18 -28
2005 Via di mezzo e imperfezione - pubblicato dalla rivista n. 70 di Ellin Salae.
2004 E’ bello accumulare buon karma - rivista DHARMA n. 19 - Roma, pag. 16-23
2004 La vita nel Buddhismo, Questione di vita o di morte - 2004 Edizioni Guerini, Roma – pag. 115-124
2004 Impermanenza e Paura - Simmetria - Roma - n. 6.
2003 Illusione e Saggezza - Simmetria - Roma - n. 5 pag. 33- 40
2003 La via del nirvana : il Dharma del Buddha / Lama Ghesce Gedun Tharchin,
I Libri di Ellin Selae / Library of Congress Control No.:2004429092
2003 Kalachakra per la Pace nel mondo - rivista DHARMA n. 12, pag. 18-24.
2002 Il Dharma e la vita -. Simmetria, Roma anno, n. 4 pag. 167-172
2002 La Compassione e la Saggezza - Simmetria, Roma n. 4 pag. 153-166
2002 Gli aspetti segreti dell’offerta – SIMMETRIA Roma n. 3 pag. 153-160
2000. Entrare nel Mahayana - rivista DHARMA n. 4, pag. 22-25
1999 La via per un nuovo dialogo.- Rivista DHARMA n. 2, Roma pag. 47- 48


2011 Buddhist Science by venerable geshe Gedun Tharchin, THE MIDDLW WAY vol. 86, No. 3 - November 2011
2010 Tibet 50 years under China – the Quest magazine of Gaden Jangtse School, Mundgod, India, 2/2010 pg6-11
2010 Communication Through Silence – The Middle Way – UK pg. 209-210
2007 How we sleep – 2007 Spring - Snow Lion News Letter NY USA
2005 Accumulating good karma – 2005 fall – Snow Lion News Letter NY USA
2004 Accumulating good karma is beautiful-Buddhism Now, UK-May 2004 pg 4-13.
2003 Kalachakra for World Peace 2002 Graz-Buddhism Now-UK- February 2003 pg21-27.
1992 Tibetan Buddhism and Unity of Religions,
Spiritual Exchange between Christian and Tibetan monks pg 57-60 – 1992

2011 bTZEN BYOL BOD MI MANG GI dMANGS gTZO - the Quest magazine of Gaden Jangtse School, Mundgod, India, 3/2011 pg10-12
2010 Ka Shed Sem Jong Ma – Mind Training Poem - the Quest magazine of Gaden Jangtse School, Mundgod, India, 2/2010 pg3-5
2007 Chos mṅon blo gsal rab gsal / Dge-ʼdun-mthar-phyin = Gateway to Abhidharma : illumination the treasure of knowledge / Gedun Tharchin. Library of Congress Control No.:2008308473,http://openlibrary.org/b/OL22553633M
2000 History of prajna paramita treatrise, gSHUNG CHHEN PHAR CHYIN GYI hBYUNG RIM– Sak Kyai Od Nang – India
1990 The Status of modern Tibetan culture (DENG DUs BOD KYI RIG gSHUNG GI dNs    sTANG - CTA She Ja journal -1990 Dharamsala pag. 18 -28 pag. 115-124

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

The Mangala Sutta

The Mangala Sutta
Once while the Blessed One was staying in the vicinity of Saavatthi, in the Jeta Grove, in Anaathapindika's monastery, a certain deity, whose surpassing brilliance and beauty illumined the entire Jeta Grove, late one night came to the presence of the Blessed One; having come to him and offered profound salutations he stood on one side and spoke to him reverently in the following verse:
Many deities and human beings
Have pondered what are blessings,
Which they hope will bring them safety:
Declare to them, Sir, the Highest Blessing.

(To this the Blessed One replied):
With fools no company keeping.
With the wise ever consorting,
To the worthy homage paying:
This, the Highest Blessing.

Congenial place to dwell,
In the past merits making,
One's self directed well:
This, the Highest Blessing.

Ample learning, in crafts ability,
With a well-trained disciplining,
Well-spoken words, civility:
This, the Highest Blessing.

Mother, father well supporting,
Wife and children duly cherishing,
Types of work unconflicting:
This, the Highest Blessing.

Acts of giving, righteous living,
Relatives and kin supporting,
Actions blameless then pursuing:
This, the Highest Blessing.

Avoiding evil and abstaining,
From besotting drinks refraining,
Diligence in Dhamma doing:
This, the Highest Blessing.

Right reverence and humility
Contentment and a grateful bearing,
Hearing Dhamma when it's timely:
This, the Highest Blessing.

Patience, meekness when corrected,
Seeing monks and then discussing
About the Dhamma when it's timely:
This, the Highest Blessing.

Self-restraint and holy life,
All the Noble Truths in-seeing,
Realization of Nibbaana:
This, the Highest Blessing.

Though touched by worldly circumstances,
Never his mind is wavering,
Sorrowless, stainless and secure:
This, the Highest Blessing.

Since by acting in this way,
They are everywhere unvanquished,
And everywhere they go in safety:
Theirs, the Highest Blessings.

Friday, 15 July 2016

Mahamudra Prayer

Mahamudra Prayer

O Great Vajradhara, pervading all natures,
Glorious first Buddha, Principle of all Buddha families,
Within the celestial mansion of the spontaneous three bodies,
I request you please to grand me your blessings
So that I may cut the creeping vine of self-grasping within my mental continuum,
train in love, compassion, and boddhicitta,
And swiftly accomplish the Mahamudra of the Path of Union.

O Omniscient Superior Manjushri,
Father of all the Conquerors of the three times
In the Buddha Lands throughout the worlds of the ten directions,
I request you please to grand me your blessings
So that I may cut the creeping vine of self-grasping within my mental continuum,
train in love, compassion, and boddhicitta,
And swiftly accomplish the Mahamudra of the Path of Union.

O Venerable Gurus,
Spiritual Guides who, for fortunate disciples,
Promoted the heart-essence of the Dharma,
I request you please to grand me your blessings
So that I may cut the creeping vine of self-grasping within my mental continuum,
train in love, compassion, and boddhicitta,
And swiftly accomplish the Mahamudra of the Path of Union.

Please grand me your blessings
So that I may see the venerable Guru as Buddha,
Overcome attachment for samsara,
Accomplish the common and uncommon paths,
And swiftly attain the Unione of the Mahamudhra.

This body of mine and your body, O Father,
This speech of mine and your speech. O Father,
This mind of mine and your mind, O Father,

Through your blessings may they become inseparably one.

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Inter-religious dialogue is the art of religions

Inter-religious dialogue is the art of religions
Ven. Lama Geshe Gedun Tharchin
April 2016
I would like to make a brief presentation regarding Inter-religious dialogue as an art of religion. Religion in general should be a world cultural heritage and religious values have contributed for centuries to enhance the human value and dignity. 
Here I am making light on the beauty of religion in modern society. In a modern, secular society the beauty of religion is it's characteristic and capacity of enriching human value by being creative and artistically contributing harmony between different religious traditions. Every religion should be transformed into an art of Inter-religious dialogue.
If all religious traditions could become interfaith Arts, that will then become the supreme beauty of religion itself. Eventually such beauty will develop a beautiful art piece of happiness within each and every citizen and the city.
The spirit of religion should be an harmonious human heart that could bring a harmonious spirit within all levels of human societies and families, including oneself. Religious values are compatible with any social and cultural contexts, specially in regard with the cultural context of modern democratic system and globalised world.
Religion is a medicine for nourishing human soul and means of preserving healthy eco-system of our planet. Religion gives a wast methods, how to implicate by means of non violence way of sustaining lives and environment. Today Religions have ever important role to play in globe of 21 century, that has been severely affected by global crises of economy and natural disasters.
To defend our planet from growing of nuclear weapons and wars, religions have a major role to promote universal ethical values and understanding of human values. Also Religious spiritual wisdom can provide great service for reducing global warming through increasing spiritual doctrine of Selflessness and decreasing the human Egoistic attitudes.
At the end, World religions must be united in their essential messages for the sake of betterment of all human kinds and to save our planet from wars and violences. All world religions must become one family to fulfil all humanity with providing multi-religions and multicultural values and ethics.
In order to bring about the best product of religious doctrines world religions must have one common dream. Religions must be means of providing World Peace through spirit of Inter-religious dialogue and understanding of Universal moral principle “Unity in diversity and Diversity in Unity”.
This is the moment for the world religions to prove their sincerity, purity and capacity of providing peace and harmony for the human kinds. Religions must work together and come together with their best arts to bring about realization of the promise land, paradise on the earth.
May the peace be prevailed throughout the globe and may long live United spirit of world religions.

Friday, 8 January 2016

The Outer, Inner and Secret Refuge Practice of the Mahāsiddha Thangtong Gyalpo

༄༅།  །གྲུབ་ཆེན་ཐང་སྟོང་རྒྱལ་པོའི་ཐུགས་དམ་ཕྱི་ནང་གསང་བའི་སྐྱབས་འགྲོ་ནི།
The Outer, Inner and Secret Refuge Practice of 
the Mahāsiddha Thangtong Gyalpo

མ་ནམ་མཁའ་དང་མཉམ་པའི་སེམས་ཅན་ཐམས་ཅད་བླ་མ་སངས་རྒྱས་རིན་པོ་ཆེ་ལ་སྐྱབས་སུ་མཆིའོ། །
ma namkha dang nyampé semchen tamché lama sangye rinpoche la kyab su chi o
Sentient beings, our very own mothers, are as limitless as space—In the precious lama, who is a buddha, all of us take refuge.
སངས་རྒྱས་ཆོས་དང་དགེ་འདུན་རྣམས་ལ་སྐྱབས་སུ་མཆིའོ། །
sangye chö dang gendün nam la kyab su chi o
In the Buddha, Dharma and Saṅgha, we take refuge.
བླ་མ་ཡི་དམ་མཁའ་འགྲོའི་ཚོགས་ལ་སྐྱབས་སུ་མཆིའོ། །
lama yidam khandrö tsok la kyab su chi o
In the lamas, yidam deities and ḍākinīs, we take refuge.
རང་སེམས་སྟོང་གསལ་ཆོས་ཀྱི་སྐུ་ལ་སྐྱབས་སུ་མཆིའོ། །
rangsem tongsal chö kyi ku la kyab su chi o
In the dharmakāya, the inseparable emptiness and clarity of our own minds, we take refuge.
ཞེས་སྤྱན་རས་གཟིགས་ཀྱིས་ཆོས་རྗེ་བཀའ་ལྔ་པར་གནང་ནས་འདི་དགེ་སློང་བརྩོན་འགྲུས་བཟང་པོ་ཐང་སྟོང་རྒྱལ་པོ་ལ་བྱིན་ཅིག དེས་འཛམ་གླིང་གི་མི་ལ་བསྒྲགས་ནས། གནས་སྐབས་ནད་གདོན་བར་ཆད་ཐམས་ཅད་བསལ། ངན་སོང་ལས་སྐྱོབ་པར་བྱེད་དོ་གསུངས་པ་བྱིན་རླབས་ཅན་ནོ། །དགེའོ། །
This prayer carries the blessing of Avalokiteśvara, who transmitted it to Chöjé Kangapa and told him to give it to Gelong Tsöndru Zangpo (Thangtong Gyalpo), saying that if he taught it to the people of this world, it would dispel all sickness, negative influences and obstacles right now, and then also grant protection from the lower realms. Virtue!