Gedun THARCHIN at Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana
Nov. 28, 2016
FORUM 2 - Dio e Vacuità [Śunyata]
Ven. Lama Geshe Gedun Tharchin
FORUM 2 - Dio e Vacuità [Śunyata]
Ven. Lama Geshe Gedun Tharchin
Gedun THARCHIN is a Tibetan Buddhist monk in Gelukpa Order of Tibetan Buddhism. He completed his Ph.D. in Buddhist Philosophy in Gelukpa University in India. He studied Christian Philosophy and Spirituality in Angelicum University and Beta College in Rome.
Currently he teaches at Fondazione Maitreya Roma, An Institute of Inter-Buddhist Culture and Inter-religious Dialogue. He has been teaching Buddhist Philosophy and Meditation in various centers and has been attending Inter-cultural and Inter-religious dialogues throughout Italy.
His is author of several books. His articles and speeches published in various journals and Reviews in both English and Italian. And the Editor of his Archives; http://geduntharchin.blogspot.