Wednesday, 20 July 2016

The Mangala Sutta

The Mangala Sutta
Once while the Blessed One was staying in the vicinity of Saavatthi, in the Jeta Grove, in Anaathapindika's monastery, a certain deity, whose surpassing brilliance and beauty illumined the entire Jeta Grove, late one night came to the presence of the Blessed One; having come to him and offered profound salutations he stood on one side and spoke to him reverently in the following verse:
Many deities and human beings
Have pondered what are blessings,
Which they hope will bring them safety:
Declare to them, Sir, the Highest Blessing.

(To this the Blessed One replied):
With fools no company keeping.
With the wise ever consorting,
To the worthy homage paying:
This, the Highest Blessing.

Congenial place to dwell,
In the past merits making,
One's self directed well:
This, the Highest Blessing.

Ample learning, in crafts ability,
With a well-trained disciplining,
Well-spoken words, civility:
This, the Highest Blessing.

Mother, father well supporting,
Wife and children duly cherishing,
Types of work unconflicting:
This, the Highest Blessing.

Acts of giving, righteous living,
Relatives and kin supporting,
Actions blameless then pursuing:
This, the Highest Blessing.

Avoiding evil and abstaining,
From besotting drinks refraining,
Diligence in Dhamma doing:
This, the Highest Blessing.

Right reverence and humility
Contentment and a grateful bearing,
Hearing Dhamma when it's timely:
This, the Highest Blessing.

Patience, meekness when corrected,
Seeing monks and then discussing
About the Dhamma when it's timely:
This, the Highest Blessing.

Self-restraint and holy life,
All the Noble Truths in-seeing,
Realization of Nibbaana:
This, the Highest Blessing.

Though touched by worldly circumstances,
Never his mind is wavering,
Sorrowless, stainless and secure:
This, the Highest Blessing.

Since by acting in this way,
They are everywhere unvanquished,
And everywhere they go in safety:
Theirs, the Highest Blessings.

Friday, 15 July 2016

Mahamudra Prayer

Mahamudra Prayer

O Great Vajradhara, pervading all natures,
Glorious first Buddha, Principle of all Buddha families,
Within the celestial mansion of the spontaneous three bodies,
I request you please to grand me your blessings
So that I may cut the creeping vine of self-grasping within my mental continuum,
train in love, compassion, and boddhicitta,
And swiftly accomplish the Mahamudra of the Path of Union.

O Omniscient Superior Manjushri,
Father of all the Conquerors of the three times
In the Buddha Lands throughout the worlds of the ten directions,
I request you please to grand me your blessings
So that I may cut the creeping vine of self-grasping within my mental continuum,
train in love, compassion, and boddhicitta,
And swiftly accomplish the Mahamudra of the Path of Union.

O Venerable Gurus,
Spiritual Guides who, for fortunate disciples,
Promoted the heart-essence of the Dharma,
I request you please to grand me your blessings
So that I may cut the creeping vine of self-grasping within my mental continuum,
train in love, compassion, and boddhicitta,
And swiftly accomplish the Mahamudra of the Path of Union.

Please grand me your blessings
So that I may see the venerable Guru as Buddha,
Overcome attachment for samsara,
Accomplish the common and uncommon paths,
And swiftly attain the Unione of the Mahamudhra.

This body of mine and your body, O Father,
This speech of mine and your speech. O Father,
This mind of mine and your mind, O Father,

Through your blessings may they become inseparably one.