Friday, 25 April 2014

Schedule and Biography

Geshe Gedun Tharchin is a naturalised Italian citizen, born in Nepal on 15 March 1963 to a Tibetan family.
His fundamental education was obtained at a Tibetan school 
He commenced his studies at Gaden Jangtse College, India in 1976, graduating with the Uma-Rabjampa in 1985.
He was awarded a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree, a Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) degree, and a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree from Gelukpa University. His Lharampa dissertation in Tibetan was published in 2007. It can be accessed via the following link:  
He also completed his Geshe Lharampa Examinations, which were conducted in the presence of Gaden Tripa, Two Choejes, and six abbots from Gaden, Sera, and Drepung. These took place between December 15, 1993, and January 5, 
1994, and involved debates on the five principal Buddhist treatises. He was awarded the Geshe Lharampa title during the auspicious occasion of the great prayer, Monlam Chenmo, which marked the anniversary of the year 1994.  
In 1995, he was awarded the diploma of Geshe Ngagrampa from Gyume Tantric College.
During his tenure at Gaden, he assumed a number of roles, including that of secretary for Jangtse Dratsang, Gaden Lachi, the Gelukpa University Examination Board, and Gaden Gyalrong Khangtsen. 
He also instructed monks from Gaden and Gyudmed in philosophical studies. Additionally, he participated in national and international seminars as a delegate of the monastic college.
From 1996 onwards, he engaged in a period of study in Rome, during which he devoted himself to the exploration of Western philosophical and religious traditions.

He completed his English language studies in  Cambridge U. K.Since 1996, he has been engaged in the teaching of Dharma in the West. 
He has undertaken extensive travel in Italy and abroad to participate in seminars, lectures, conferences, and teachings.
In 1997-8, he taught the Tibetan language at the Institute of Oriental and African Studies (ISIAO - ISMEO) in Rome.
In 2000, he was a visiting lecturer at the Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies in Taipei.
He is also the author of La via del Nirvana (in Italian), published by Ellin Salae in 2003.
He has taught Buddhist philosophy and Tibetan culture, and participated in intercultural dialogues at various institutes in Italy and abroad, including the Sapienza University of Rome (Faculty of Psychology and Medicine) and the Pontifical Gregorian University (Faculty of Interreligious Studies), Rome.

Additionally, he has provided financial assistance to numerous Tibetans residing in India and Nepal. Further details can be found at 
His activities updated periodically in the following Schedule and works are accessible online via his personal website,


2011 Uscire dal buio di Gedun Tharchin, rivista DHARMA n. 35 - Roma, pag. 41-46
2009 Uscire dalla confusione – Rivista Dharma n. 31, Aprile – Roma pag 19-29.
2008 I cinquanta’anni del Tibet sotto la Cina -1959-2008 -Voci di pace/Voice of Peace - il TREMESTRE 2008 – San Marino
2008 Gli stati della maditazione - Rivista Dharma n. 29, Giugno - Roma pg. 20-27
2008 I cinquanta anni del Tibet sotto la Cina – lama geshe Gedun Tharchin, Comunicando cura di Maurizio Costanzo – 19 Maggio –Roma – Italia
2008 Comunicare attraverso la cultura del silenzio - Comunicando cura di Maurizio Costanzo – 27 Aprile – Roma - Italia, pg
2007. Fermare la vita - Rivista Dharma n. 27, dicembre – Roma pag. 26-33.
2007 LA PROSPETTIVA INTERRELIGIOSA DI GANDHI - Voci di pace/Voices of peace – III TREMESTRE 2007 – San Marino
2006. Bodhicitta e Generosità, Rivista Dharma n. 23, maggio 06 – Roma pag. 23-27
2005 I Tre Giri della Ruota del Dharma - rivista DHARMA n. 21 - Roma
pag. 18 -28
2005 Via di mezzo e imperfezione - pubblicato dalla rivista n. 70 di Ellin Salae.
2004 E’ bello accumulare buon karma - rivista DHARMA n. 19 - Roma, pag. 16-23
2004 La vita nel Buddhismo, Questione di vita o di morte - 2004 Edizioni Guerini, Roma – pag. 115-124
2004 Impermanenza e Paura - Simmetria - Roma - n. 6.
2003 Illusione e Saggezza - Simmetria - Roma - n. 5 pag. 33- 40
2003 La via del nirvana : il Dharma del Buddha / Lama Ghesce Gedun Tharchin,
I Libri di Ellin Selae / Library of Congress Control No.:2004429092
2003 Kalachakra per la Pace nel mondo - rivista DHARMA n. 12, pag. 18-24.
2002 Il Dharma e la vita -. Simmetria, Roma anno, n. 4 pag. 167-172
2002 La Compassione e la Saggezza - Simmetria, Roma n. 4 pag. 153-166
2002 Gli aspetti segreti dell’offerta – SIMMETRIA Roma n. 3 pag. 153-160
2000. Entrare nel Mahayana - rivista DHARMA n. 4, pag. 22-25
1999 La via per un nuovo dialogo.- Rivista DHARMA n. 2, Roma pag. 47- 48


2011 Buddhist Science by venerable geshe Gedun Tharchin, THE MIDDLW WAY vol. 86, No. 3 - November 2011
2010 Tibet 50 years under China – the Quest magazine of Gaden Jangtse School, Mundgod, India, 2/2010 pg6-11
2010 Communication Through Silence – The Middle Way – UK pg. 209-210
2007 How we sleep – 2007 Spring - Snow Lion News Letter NY USA
2005 Accumulating good karma – 2005 fall – Snow Lion News Letter NY USA
2004 Accumulating good karma is beautiful-Buddhism Now, UK-May 2004 pg 4-13.
2003 Kalachakra for World Peace 2002 Graz-Buddhism Now-UK- February 2003 pg21-27.
1992 Tibetan Buddhism and Unity of Religions, Spiritual Exchange between Christian and Tibetan monks pg 57-60 – 1992


2011 bTZEN BYOL BOD MI MANG GI dMANGS gTZO - the Quest magazine of Gaden Jangtse School, Mundgod, India, 3/2011 pg10-12
2010 Ka Shed Sem Jong Ma – Mind Training Poem - the Quest magazine of Gaden Jangtse School, Mundgod, India, 2/2010 pg3-5
2007 Chos mṅon blo gsal rab gsal / Dge-ʼdun-mthar-phyin = Gateway to Abhidharma : illumination the treasure of knowledge / Gedun Tharchin. Library of Congress Control No.:2008308473,
2000 History of prajna paramita treatrise, gSHUNG CHHEN PHAR CHYIN GYI hBYUNG RIM– Sak Kyai Od Nang – India
1990 The Status of modern Tibetan culture (DENG DUs BOD KYI RIG gSHUNG GI dNs    sTANG - CTA She Ja journal -1990 Dharamsala pag. 18 -28 pag. 115-124



Friday 28.02.2025

Losar, New Year of the Tibetan year 2152 Wood Snake

Day of Earth-Water: Auspicious   
The meeting of earth with water brings youth and prosperity.   
Youth and prosperity bring great happiness.
            Unfortunately, during the Christmas holidays, starting at the end of December 2024, I had to start a new   treatment for quite a long period, which requires great attention and concentration. It is therefore with great regret that I had to cancel other dates already scheduled for 2025. Today my general health is not bad and seems normal. But continuing to undergo a long period of treatment and analysis has become a challenge and requires a lot of energy and concentration.
            In 2024, the months of February and March I went to my home in Pokhara, Nepal. My father had been ill for some time and unfortunately passed away a month and a half after my arrival. During this time I had the opportunity to personally serve him. We respectfully arranged all kinds of treatments, traditional rituals and puja. I was deeply touched and saddened to witness such difficult moments for the whole family. 
           Two weeks later, I travelled to Kathmandu by taxi (18 hours journey due to traffic jams, bad roads, rain and landslides) as my Flight, from Pokhara to Kathmandu was cancelled due to bad weather. The next morning From Kathmandu I took a flight to Rome via Chendu, a long journey.  
           When I returned to Rome, I had no new health problems until the end of June. In July I felt unwell and ended up in a Roman hospital for a whole month. When I was discharged at the end of the summer, everything seemed to be fine. However, I had to cancel my upcoming Dharma teaching dates for the winter of 2024. 
