Sunday, 19 January 2014

The Social activities

The Social activities  
My birth into a traditional Tibetan family influenced my path to turn to Tibetan Buddhism as a foundation in my life. Eventually my arrival to the west further influenced my life to strive to integrate into the modern world. As you mature your responsibility in society increases. Following this principle I have been trying to support Tibetan people in India and Nepal since my arrival to Italy with the help of my Dharma friends and many others. The projects to which I have given special support are orientated to the Tibetan society in Exile.

Tashiling Tibetan refugee settlement
        The prayer site with prayers set in stone plates and prayer flags for regular public prayer meetings in the middle of Tashiling Tibetan refugee settlement, Pokhara, Nepal. This was built in 2000. My friends donated one third of the construction cost.

Mundgod Tibetan settlement      
Mundgod Tibetan settlement is located in Karnataka State and is home to two monastic Monasteries: Gaden and Drepung and nine Tibetan villages. There are several smaller monasteries in the villages, as well as Sakya, Nyingma, Kagyu and Gelug. Mundgod Tibetan Settlement, established in 1970, has nowadays approximately fifteen thousand inhabitants which makes it one of the major Tibetan resettlements in India.
I recommended AREF International Onlus Rome to support Mundgod Tibetan Settlement. I myself is a founding member of AREF International Onlus. Since many years now the AREF are involved in carrying out various projects and sponsor a program in Mundgod Tibetan Settlement and Gaden Jangtse Education Project, Gaden Jangtse School, and other Tibetan areas including Dharamsala, India.
Gajang Gyalrong Khangtsen
Gajang Gyalrong Khangtsen is a small group of monks as one of 12 monastic communities called as Khangtsens - House Sections, within Jangtse Dratsang of Gaden Monastery, where I spent 19 years. Initially Gajang Gyalrong monks lived in resettlement camp rooms according to the circumstances of those initial resettlement schemes.  
In 1987 we laid the foundation of a new building for Gajang Gyalrong Khangtsen and two years later we built the first floor, with six rooms, a small assembly room, two toilets and a small kitchen. Gradually in 2000 we completed the construction of the upper floors of the building according to the original plan. 
In 2006 the compound with garden and courtyard for dharma debate was completed. AREF International Onlus Rome has been supporting Gajang Gyalrong monks for many years.

Toe Marushar Cultural Association
      Toe Marushar Cultural Association in Mundgod Tibetan settlement has about 200 members. We have supported since 2000 elderly people, children and sick persons of the group through a sponsorship program. It was run for many years by my very dear friends; Ezio and Roberta through their websites. Unfortunately Ezio’s spirit left his body some years ago. Though we had to stop the sponsorship program, it has been carried on by volunteers, but with difficulty as the work is hard. But its spirit still continues on a personal level through direct contact between westerner sponsors and Tibetans. The project also included supporting many Tibetans in Nepal and Dharamsala

The Gateway to Abhidharma
      In 2005 I visited Gaden Monastery in Mundgod, India. I spent three weeks there to complete editing my work, Gateway to Abhidharma, now at the Library of Gaden Jangtse Monastic University. The book was published in 2007 and the first copies were presented to His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala. The books have been given to scholars, Monastic Libraries and Tibetan Institutes free of charge. A brief introduction of the book is included in the following link; Chos mngon blo gsal rab gsal / Dge-ΚΌdun-mthar-phyin = Gateway to Abhidharma : illumination the treasure of knowledge / Gedun Tharchin. Library of Congress Control No.:2008308473,


1. To support the Geshe.
2. To improve the quality of the website.
3. To support people in need.


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