Monday, 10 November 2014


Mind of Vajradara is open like sky, free like bird and peaceful like clouds, and cool like moon and lucid like sun, stable like mountain and fluid like river!

La mente della Vajràdarà è aperta come il cielo, liberi come uccelli e pacifici come le nuvole, e fresco come la luna e lucida come il sole, stabile come la montagna e fluido come fiume!

La mente de Vajradara es abierta como el cielo, libre como pájaro y pacífica como las nube, fresca como la luna y lúcida como el sol, estable como una montaña y fluída como el río!

Friday, 24 October 2014

Visit Nepal 2022


As planned, after 45 days (November to mid-December) of vacation in Nepal which was a visit to the family home after 3 years! A trip was already prepared at the beginning of the year 2020 that I had to give up because of the pandemic!

This time the trip was very meaningful and useful for everyone, for me, my parents, brother and family, to update both samsara and nirvana. My parents are in good health and in a great Dharma spirit.

The new rooms in Pokhara have been arranged well. It was very nice to invite monks and friends to the temple in the new room for puja and lunch for several times.

Also in Kathmandu it was very nice to have a short trip, this time only to the SWAMBU NATH STUPA, which is perhaps the earliest sacred place in Kathmandu.

I conclude here a brief account of my Nepal 2022 trip.

